TweakUAC :Vista UAC protection tweak||Review|Download|Guide
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TweakUAC :Vista UAC protection tweak

What is UAC and How does UAC protect us?UAC is a new security feature of Windows Vista.If your computer is infected by virus,it infects your computer when you use it as a standard user, with UAC on,the virus cannot get access to the global system resources, and therefore the amount of damage it can do is severely limited.

TweakUAC is a free software tool that you can use to quickly turn UAC (User Account Control of Windows Vista) on or off, or to make UAC operate in the quiet mode. This software is FREE, no strings attached.

A typical UAC elevation prompt

Although viruses still can corrupt your documents and go through your email,etc. it cannot infect Windows system files or install itself to be automatically activated everytime you login to the computer. If a virus attempts to modify the system files and settings, UAC will alert you by displaying an elevation prompt.

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