LeechGet is a freeware download manager integrates into Internet Explorer, allowing you to easily start and manage your downloads.
More features included automatic downloading, resume of broken downloads, a download timer, automatic hang-up and shutdown and more.
LeechGet also provides a history of your downloaded files, sorted by day, week and month. Additional features include a file drop icon, a speed monitor and much more.
Download: LeechGet 2009 2.1 Release 1800 (2.91 MB)
Download: LeechGet 2009 2.1 Mozilla/Netscape/Opera Plug-in (712 KB)
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Softwares on this software site are recommended by us,It is checked for possible viruses and is proven to be 99% clean and safe.
You Can Download It For Free from software supplier/developer servers under the terms and condition stated ,including ,there are either freeware, shareware or open-source, some of the software packages are demo, trial or patch versions and if possible.We don't host official full versions of software.